Course Description

Units of Study



Course Description : Physical Science, 8th Grade


Kelleen Farrell, Instructor
Phone: 209-257-5527 (w)

8th grade Science is a survey course that introduces students to a variety of topics covered in physical science. We will be investigating Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, and Geology. You will be required to work in teams as well as individually.

Grading and Classroom Policies

Assignments are broken into two categories: in-class assignments and homework. In-class assignments are collected the same day they are assigned. Homework is rare in this class but it usually consists of week-long projects and research. It is important that both homework and in-class assignments be completed on time. Late assignments are not accepted unless you have been absent. Assignments count 25% of your grade.

Written tests and/or projects will follow the end of each unit. These also count 25% of your grade. There will be a final at the end of the semester which is 15% of your grade.

Your grade will be calculated as follows:

 25%  Quizzes/Assignments
 25%  Tests/Projects
 25%  Notebook/Journal
 15%  Final
10%  Attendance/Participation
 100-90%  A
 80-90 %  B
 60-80%  C
 50-60%  D
 >50%  F

Tutorials will be available before tests. I am also available for tutoring during lunch hours by appointment only.


It is important that you attend all classes, but absences do occur. It is your responsibility to check with your partner and/or the class website to obtain notes and to find out what you have missed. There is also a notebook in the classroom with the assignments and notes for each week. Extra handouts are available at the student resource desk. If an absence will be for a prolonged period, please contact me and we can make arrangements for you to get your assignments and work on them from home.


You will need to provide pens, pencils and paper and you are required to have these materials with you each day. You will also need to provide any additional supplies such as felt-tip pens, colored pencils, glue sticks, etc. In addition, you will need a composition book for keeping a journal. The journal entries will be based on prompts that reinforce the concepts you have learned that week.  You will also use this for your notes and for your science experiments.   Journals will be graded each quarter. Grading will be based upon:

  • Organization
  • Neatness
  • Completeness
  • Knowledge of scientific concepts.